Drug-Free Workplace Training
Our Drug-Free Workplace Training protects businesses in Anderson County by placing the burden of proof on the employee if a workplace accident occurs and that person tests positive for illegal drugs. Businesses will also be eligible to save 5% off their workers’ compensation insurance by becoming a drug-free workplace!
Employees will be educated on their company’s policies, tips to identify substance misuse, and how to get support if needed. Supervisors will learn about the science of how drugs interact with the body, signs one may be actively using, and how to reduce stigma so that employees are more likely to come forward if they need help. The training lasts one hour for employees and two hours for supervisors. Each training costs $250 for under 20 people, and $350 for over 21 people.
To learn more about Tennessee’s Drug-Free Workplace Program, visit https://www.tn.gov/workforce/injuries-at-work/employers/employers/drug-free-workplace-program.html. In addition to signing up for our training below, you will need to fill out the application on their website under “How to Get Started” in order to qualify for the 5% off your workers’ compensation insurance.

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