Students, Community Members & Local Businesses Raise Awareness for Drug Prevention

In October, students, community members and local businesses sold red ribbons to raise awareness for drug misuse prevention. In honor of Red Ribbon Week, the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention recognition week, students at Anderson County High School, Clinton High School, Lake City Middle School, Norwood Middle School, Rocky Top Markets, Git N Go Markets, Community Trust Bank, Y-12 Federal Credit Union and Sayow Tattoo Shop competed in the inaugural Red Ribbon Rivalry.

Benefitting Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) of Anderson County, the Red Ribbon Rivalry raised $2,065 which “will be used to provide medication lock boxes to parents and further promote drug prevention in the community,” according to Stephanie Strutner, Executive Director of ASAP.

Mayor Terry Frank was on hand at halftime of the ACHS versus CHS football game to recognize the schools and businesses participating in the Red Ribbon Rivalry. Mayor Frank presented a trophy to Principal Eric Snider of Clinton High School, the winning school and also recognized Robin Hall, store manager of Rocky Top Market at Mariner Point, the highest selling store.

Robin Hall stressed the importance of civic engagement saying, “I don’t know of one family that’s not touched by drugs. It is important for businesses to get involved in prevention because drug misuse hits everybody, not just a select few.”
Students at both ACHS and CHS enthusiastically participated in the Red Ribbon Rivalry. Kelli Kent, President of the SADD Club at CHS said “this was probably one of the best campaigns we’ve ever done.”

Mrs. Merryman’s early bird government class raised over $250 after a brave senior in the class shared his first-hand account of living in a family dealing with addiction.

At ACHS, the student government spearheaded the red ribbon campaign, assisted by the Anderson County Quarterback Club.

ASAP would like to thank the schools, students, businesses, and community members who helped raise awareness for drug misuse prevention during Red Ribbon Week. In all, 2,065 ribbons were sold in Anderson County, showing there is hope in winning the war on drugs. Michael Foster, ASAP Prevention Coordinator noted that “hope lies in the hard work and determination of our communities to create a drug free environment and when we work together, we can make a difference.”

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