
In 2014 there were 644 crashes in Anderson County involving drivers age 15 to 24 and text messaging while driving makes a crash 23 times more likely to occur.  Smartphone apps are available for iPhone and Android to deter you teenage driver from texting while on the road and most are available for free.  Below is a list of some of the available apps you can look at and see which one works best for your family.

Canary is a great option for concerned parents, as it offers instant feedback on your child’s behavior while behind the wheel. When you download the app to your child’s phone, you can set maximum speed limits and get alerts when your children go over them. The app is free.3

DriveMode is from AT&T and it automatically launches once the car is moving at more than 25 mph. DriveMode responds to all incoming texts and emails, and lets the sender know the recipient is driving and will get back to them. The app is free.

DriveOff detects when drivers are traveling over 10 mph. The app shuts off apps and blocks incoming calls and texts. The app is free.

DriveSafe.ly is a mobile application that reads text messages and emails aloud in real time and automatically responds without drivers touching the mobile phone and works for both iOS and androids. The app is free.

DriveScribe monitors a driver’s speed, and blocks texts and calls while the car is in motion. The app will also tell your teen driver to slow down if they are going too fast. The driver must activate the app “start trip” before driving, then “end trip” when they arrive at their destination. It works on iOS and Androids. The app is free.

Live2Txt allows you to block incoming texts and calls while driving. Turn the app “on” when you get behind the wheel, and you’ll silence your smartphone from incoming notifications, texts and calls. When you receive a message, the app will alert the sender with a customized message that you’re unable to respond at the moment. The app is $1.99.

While these apps can help, be sure to have a firm “no texting and driving” rule in your family, set consequences, then mindfully—and consistently—model safe driving for your kids.  You can also encourage your child to take the pledge not to text and drive when ASAP of Anderson County is at Clinton High School on March ?? and receive a free hanging air freshener in their school logo with “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All” from the Governor’s Highway Safety Office campaign to remind drivers not to text and drive.

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