Submitted by: Kelli Kent, S.A.D.D Club President and 10th grader at CHS
Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. During the week of October 22-26, Clinton and Anderson County High Schools participated in the Red Ribbon Rivalry during Red Ribbon Week. The Rivalry was a competition to see which school could sell the most red ribbons. Red ribbons were sold for $1 to bring awareness to drug and alcohol misuse in Anderson County. During the Anderson County High School versus Clinton High School football game held on October 26, the winning school was revealed during half time, and a huge trophy was presented to the winning school. Clinton won! As a community, we raised over $2000. “Being a member of SADD club, I was over the moon about how our local high schools and community came together to raise money for drug and alcohol awareness,” beamed Clinton High School student, Sarah Thomas. As red ribbons were sold at Clinton High School, they were hung on a wall outside the lunchroom. Students and faculty were able to track the school’s progress by seeing the ribbons that covered the walls. Everyone was so excited to see the ribbons they had purchased with their names on them hanging on the wall. “Being from Clinton High School, I was so proud to see my school supporting such a fabulous cause, which led to such an exciting win,” said president of SADD club, Kelli Kent. After a disappointing loss for Clinton’s football team, the school could still hold their heads high for their incredible victory in the Red Ribbon Rivalry. When talking to Emilie Henderson of Clinton High School, her thoughts on Red Ribbon Week were inspiring, “Red Ribbon Week was great because it helped people to understand the importance of a drug free life.” The students of our local schools were very happy to have participated in such a large and well known drug free campaign. It is so refreshing to see the community take a stand for a drug free America. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” The community of Anderson County really came together to achieve that philosophy during Red Ribbon Week. As for Clinton High School, we really “threw ‘em down.”